Jalebi, also known as zulbia, jilapi and zalabia, is an Indian sweet popular all over South Asia and the Middle East. Zalabia or Luqmat al qadi consisted of a yeast dough fried and then dipped in a syrup of honey and rose water this dish we basically eat in fair and this dish is related to our childhood memory.
In Iran, where it is known as zolbiya, the sweet was traditionally given to the poor during Ramada. A 10th-century cookbook gives several recipes for zulubiya.its a very easy dish it requires very few items.
1. Flour(Mayeda) (2 cup) 2. curd (1/2 cup) 3.food colour(yellow)
4. oil or ghee 5.sugar (2 cups) 6. rose water or elaichi (2 tbsp)
7. lemon juice (2 tbsp)
1. making of batter -
put the flour in a bowl put the curd and mix the curd well put water and mix it well and make a batter the batter should thick like paste it should not be runny.
2. sugar syrup (chasni) -
the syrup ratio will be 2 portions of sugar and 1 portion of water the ration will be 2:1 the syrup must be thick to consistency as when one drop is taken and pull there should be one string when reduced put the lemon juice so that there will be no crystal of sugar then add the rose water and keep it aside.
now the process where you have to fry the batter in a round structure as you can see the picture heat the oil or ghee and then use a cone for icing you can use milk packet or you can your ketchup bottles which is given in restaurant or in the shops and before pouring it int the cone put the baking powder and give it a quick stir and then make around and circular pattern and make it deep fry it and then add the hot fried round jalebi in the syrup you have to keep in the syrup for 30 seconds not more than that if u keep more than your jalebi will be soggy. now let it cool and serve its ready to eat
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